Big data


Digital Transformation – Where is the ROI?

Everyone gets that investing in digital transformation is a “must do” endeavor, but that does not mean that everyone is having success with it. The most common problem I see is that people are approaching things from the wrong end. They are focusing on the digital and looking for the ROI. Instead, we should be focusing on a mater

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Technology Trends That Will Shape 2022 and Beyond – AI, Big Data, Connected devices (IoT), Cloud, Drones, and Metaverse

Just like 2020, 2021 was another year of ups and downs, full of concerning COVID variations and technology innovations. With most of us working remotely and sticking to the home, our lifestyles might have been disrupted, yet we continue to adjust to the new normal. Pandemic might have restricted us to homes with online shopping, grocery deliveries,

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Every (digital) business needs a data strategy

Even though data has become one of the most critically important assets in an organization, most companies have yet to align this with their business strategies. Not doing so results in an inability to identify and prioritize the interventions needed for growth and effectively measure their success.But doing so is not without its complexities. For

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