Customer Experience


The Future of Customer Service: How Artificial Intelligence Can Change Your Business

A lot of customer experience professionals are new to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and may be unclear on how it can help them improve the customer experience. Below we explore some ways that AI can be used to enhance customer experience, and how these applications may differ across different industries.What is Customer Experience?Customer Experienc

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Customer Experience - The Past, Present and Future

Over the past decade and a half, technology, from computers to wearable devices to sensors and the cloud, has become the greatest game-changers of today. This digital era that we live in is defined by the rapid evolution and injection of new and innovative ideas and technologies, which are shaping our environment, and has reframed the com

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The Future of Customer Experience

In digital marketing circles, we tend to view Big Data and the Internet of Things as vague digital promises for the future, whose more perfect realizations are awaiting better AI.The reality is, more is possible with today's technology than many CMOs & CTOs realize. We have to anticipate the future & until predictive analytics evolves

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Time to Personalize the Entire Customer Experience

For too long, businesses have been stuck at the surface level of personalization, adding a customer’s name to a marketing message, or reminding them of a product they’ve bought in the past. But while this sort of personalization is certainly better than nothing, a business that limits itself in this way is missing out on a wide range of potenti

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The Future Of Customer Experience (#CX) Is Engaging Experience (#NX). It's Here Now.

We are living in the experience economy.Every business is in the business of delivering experiences. Some businesses like amusement parks, vacation cruises, themed restaurants, movies are selling an experience while others are selling a product and/or service through which the experience is delivered.Salesforce research found that 80

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