Industrial Automation


Top 10 Industrial Automation & Control Trends – Convergence, Divergence, or Chaos?

2016 was an exciting year of innovation and exploration in industrial automation. While the calendar year has now changed, the buzz throughout the industry has not. Major control industry suppliers are refining their longstanding offerings with the new technologies and, more importantly, nontraditional suppliers are entering the fray, leveraging th

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What is the Future of PLC in Industrial Automation

DefinitionPLC is a Programmable Logic Controller. PLC is an industrial computer used as a standalone unit. It can be used in a PLC network to control a process or perform a specific function automatically. To get information from the outside world, such as the temperature of a liquid, level in a tank, speed of an object etc., it uses different conn

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AI, Automation & 5G ensuring the future of Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 involves interconnecting all parts of a company and giving rise to effective automation resulting in a more intelligent organization. It is considered the fourth industrial revolution to the digitization phase of the manufacturing sector that was possible due to 4.0 technology. This process is driven by a surprising increase in data vo

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