

Hydrogen: A powerful way to color our future

Hydrogen: A powerful way to color our futureEnergy drives our lives. We are using different energy resources to make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, energy production and use are the major reasons for global warming today.Clean energy which refers to fuels that are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly; is the solu

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Green Hydrogen: Future of energy?

Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen or clean hydrogen, is hydrogen gas produced through a process called electrolysis using renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power. Traditional methods of hydrogen production often rely on fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide and contribute to environmental pollutio

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Hydrogen: from a vision to a societal project for a sustainable future

As I pass on the torch at the head of the Hydrogen Council, which I co-chaired since its launch, I look back on this groundbreaking initiative whose creation inaugurated the emergence of a new hydrogen society.A unique allianceIn the beginning there were 13 of us: 13 international business leaders who rallied at the World Economic Forum in January

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